How to start working ?
There are different ways to connect with your projects to doing your tasks and are depend to your conditions.
- Your project is on git:
- In this case you should give me the git clone statement in order to I get your codes, also need to give database backup file with the name of db-username (db-password not needed).
mysqldump -u yourDbUserName -p yourDbName>yourDbName.sql
then zip the file and give me the yourDbName.tar.gz file.
tar cvzf yourDbName.tar.gz yourDbName.sql
- Your project isn’t on git:
- In this case you should give me tar.gz backup of your codes and database separately.
Go to Magento root path by linux command: cd [root path]
If you run the command ls -l then you should see app and pub directory in the list.
Copy & paste this block in the terminal:
tar cvzf Archive.tar.gz ./pub/media/.htaccess ./pub/media/attribute/.htaccess ./pub/media/catalog/.htaccess ./pub/media/customer/.htaccess ./pub/media/downloadable/.htaccess ./pub/media/import/.htaccess ./pub/media/custom_options/.htaccess ./pub/media/theme_customization/.htaccess ./pub/media/wysiwyg/.htaccess ./pub/media/tmp/.htaccess ./pub/media/sitemap/.htaccess ./pub/static/.htaccess ./var/.htaccess ./vendor/.htaccess ./generated/.htaccess --exclude='./pub/media/attribute/*' --exclude='./pub/media/analytics/*' --exclude='./pub/media/catalog/*' --exclude='./pub/media/customer/*' --exclude='./pub/media/downloadable/*' --exclude='./pub/media/favicon/*' --exclude='./pub/media/import/*' --exclude='./pub/media/logo/*' --exclude='./pub/media/custom_options/*' --exclude='./pub/media/theme/*' --exclude='./pub/media/theme_customization/*' --exclude='./pub/media/wysiwyg/*' --exclude='./pub/media/tmp/*' --exclude='./pub/media/captcha/*' --exclude='./pub/media/sitemap/*' --exclude='./pub/static/*' --exclude='./var/*' --exclude='./vendor/*' --exclude='./generated/*' --exclude='./app/etc/config.php' --exclude='./app/etc/env.php' .
Then give me the Archive.tar.gz, after that I got the zip file you should delete it.