If you have a big web project you had to do it by a web team, because in a professional website
there are many different cases whom one person cannot it manage and do.
For instance there are these professions to doing a website.
- User Experience Design (UX)
- Is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product. Graphics designing is one of their activity. Usually the output work will be a PHOTOSHOP PSD file.
- User interface design (UI)
- Is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product. Graphics designing is one of their activity. UI specialist gets the PSD and converts it to static web page, consist of html, css, js.
- Backend developer
- He using dynamic web languages converts the static web pages to dynamic web pages.
- Database designer
- He designs database structure for the dynamic language .
As you see, making a web application is too complex.
Question: how we can organize this team in order to work simultaneously with no conflicts?
- In a teamwork every person is a node.
- There is a base node as a root.
- Every node has own computer.
- Base node is a on line web server in which there is all project files, there is some programs like GIT, SVN works on the base node (root).
Using these programs all the nodes share their works on the base server without no conflicts. I know some of these servers, like:
- https://gitlab.com for git program
- https://github.com for git program
- https://riouxsvn.com for svn program
All the nodes should install on their systems the same program as the base node (root). For example if you choose gitlab as your root, all of the nodes should install and use git program as their teamwork program to share their codes and work together.